Category Archives: Learn Spanish

Why Some People Don’t Want to Learn Spanish

Learning Spanish can be fun and interesting. It can make you comfortable in situations where you would be lost without knowing the language. Yet, not everyone has the desire to learn Spanish. These people have several reasons for their reluctance. Some people feel that they are too old to learn Spanish. They realize that children learn language faster than anyone else. This makes them hesitant to even try. They think it’s a lost cause, so why even try? Actually, people of all ages can learn Spanish. It […]

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Where To Learn Spanish

Once you decide to learn Spanish, your next step is to decide where you will study. Time and money will play a part in your decision. Before you decide, though, you should look at all the options of where to learn Spanish. The most obvious answer is: in school. However, there are all kinds of schools that teach all kinds of Spanish courses. The traditional High School Spanish course is still available for those who are enrolled as students in the schools. If you are beyond the […]

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Using the News Media to Learn Spanish Better

For most people, news is a part of life. They listen to the evening news to get the upcoming weather or to find out what is going on in their area that day. They buy newspapers to get a handle on local politics. You can also use the news media to learn Spanish better. One way to get news to learn Spanish better is to subscribe to a Spanish language newspaper. You can get the information on how to do that through your local library. They will […]

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Should We Learn Spanish Because the Hispanic Population is Growing?

The numbers read that over 400 million Spanish speakers are in the world. Therefore, Spanish is the fourth most commonly spoken language right under English, Chinese and Hindustani. Additionally, now that Hispanic commerce is booming in North America, it is important for business competitors all over the world to find some way to keep up. Most people don’t know that over 91% of fortune 500 companies and forbes international 800 companies cannot meet the needs of people who speak a foreign language because they do not have […]

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Reasons to Learn Spanish

It might be a good time to learn Spanish. You may never have thought of learning another language before. Many people go their whole lives without knowing more than one language. Yet, others like the challenge. They find plenty of reasons to learn Spanish. If you travel to a Spanish-speaking country, it helps to know the language. When you learn Spanish before you go, you can be ready to take care of all your basic needs while staying at your destination. You will know how to ask […]

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Learning Spanish: The Job World

It’s a very good idea to learn Spanish in today’s world. When a person learns Spanish, they gain the ability to obtain a better cultural understanding. Learning Spanish also creates more job opportunities. Many people of different cultural origins are constantly migrating to the United States, and the increase of people of Spanish speaking origin has created a lot of diversity in the country. However, with an increase of Spanish speaking people comes an increase in the amount of people who do not know English. Therefore, it […]

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Learn Spanish Language Secrets

You can learn Spanish to a certain degree and still have trouble with certain words and sentence constructions. It seems that you are saying them right, but you notice that Spanish speakers say them differently. If you learn Spanish language secrets, you will understand the subjects better. One thing to remember is that you don’t always have to use the pronoun. If you say “yo,” meaning “I,” each time you could, you will sound strident. This is because using the pronoun is only necessary when you are […]

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Is it Good for Small Children to Learn Spanish?

Nowadays, Spanish is being taught in grades k-5. It also is being taught in junior high school, high school, and college. However, many people are undecided on whether it is actually beneficial for small children to learn Spanish since at such a young age, they may not retain much and will most likely not be able to speak the language on any advanced level. Children at this age may use the language for entertainment purposes. They may find the exercises fun and motivating. But are they really […]

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Books and Other Tools to Help You Learn Spanish

If you want to learn Spanish without taking classes, you can make a lot of progress on your own. There are CD’s and audio-books to aid you. There are plenty of books you can buy to help you learn Spanish more easily, as well. A nifty book to have as you learn Spanish is 1001 Most Useful Spanish Words (Beginners’ Guide), by Seymour Resnick. This book lists words by categories such as food, time, and family. The words are also in a dictionary type listing alphabetically. The […]

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The Internet As A Tool For Learning Spanish

The best way to learn Spanish from scratch is by receiving some form of external tutoring – this is undeniable, as only by learning from a Spanish speaker can you gain the essential feedback that lets you know where and how you are going wrong, what your weaker areas are and how to address these weaknesses. A qualified tutor is invaluable, and there is an argument to be made that this tutor should be someone who speaks your first language as a mother tongue themselves – the […]

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