Category Archives: Spanish For Beginners

Where To Find A Friend To Help You Learn Spanish

One of the easiest ways to learn Spanish is to find someone else who speaks Spanish. This person can be someone who is a native Spanish speaker or it can be someone who is also learning Spanish. Speaking Spanish with a friend will really increase how much fun you have as you learn Spanish, and it will also make the process much easier. Most people know that it’s a great idea to learn Spanish with a friend, but many people don’t know where to find people to […]

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What To Look For In A Spanish-Speaking Partner

There are many different ways to learn Spanish. One of the most popular and fun ways to learn Spanish is to use a friend who speaks both Spanish and English. A Spanish speaking friend can really help you to rapidly progress through the challenges you may face. There are many important qualities that need be looked for when seeking out a partner to help you learn Spanish. These are patience, skill, and availability. Without these qualities, your partner may not be the best. There are many reasons […]

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Spanish Basics: How to Describe a Person’s Face

It’s easy to learn Spanish if you begin with the basics. Just get down the simple verbs, some foods, and perhaps a few descriptive terms. Usually people learn Spanish by beginning to say the alphabet and rehearsing greetings such as “hello” and “goodnight,” but studying the facial features will allow you to have a bit of variety and spice as you learn Spanish. A very fun basic to begin with while in the process of learning Spanish is the descriptions of the face. The face is recognized […]

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Should Spanish Be Required in Schools?

Many school curriculums require students to take a language. The requirement is so popular that not only does it exist on the college level, but also the middle school and even the elementary school level. It is assumed that it would be useful to learn another language besides one’s native tongue, but many times young students ask themselves if they should really be required to learn other languages. For instance, as a student begins to learn Spanish in elementary school, he or she may have a lot […]

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Learning Spanish: What to Look Forward To

When trying to learn Spanish, it is good to first get the basics down. Some of the first things people start with when learning Spanish are the days of the week and the bathroom. However, there are many other basics parts of Spanish that a person trying to learn Spanish needs to know. The basic things you must begin with in order to learn Spanish are as follows: First you must learn how to ask, where the bathroom is. This is an important question, because if you […]

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Learn Spanish through Immersion Studies

It isn’t easy trying to learn Spanish without talking to people who actually speak the language on a regular basis. Spanish teachers whose first language is English may know their subject very well. Yet, they can’t give you the understanding of the language you will get if you experience it firsthand. Immersion study means staying in a place, such as a Spanish speaking country, where people speak a language you are trying to learn. You put yourself in a position where you have to conduct all your […]

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Learn Spanish Phrases For Your Trip Abroad

It’s nice when you get a chance to take a trip abroad. If you are going to a Spanish speaking country, it might be a little intimidating to get off the beaten path and explore. Just making yourself at home in hotels and restaurants can be quite a task if you’re unprepared. That’s why it’s good to learn Spanish phrases to get you by. Of course, if you have time to take a full Spanish course, that’s preferable. Learning to speak conversational Spanish will make your stay […]

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How People Learn Spanish in Conversational Classes

The traditional way to learn Spanish has been to start where a first grader would start. You learn the Spanish alphabet, learn simple Spanish words, and learn simple Spanish grammar. You advance in the same way throughout your studies. The trouble is, it seems that after a course like this, people may learn Spanish to a degree without ever learning how to hold up their end of a conversation. Speaking in an informal setting is very different from speaking in a formal class. For this reason, many […]

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Business People Learn Spanish for Work

People have various reasons to learn Spanish. Some just want the satisfaction of knowing another language. However, in the business world, it is becoming more and more advantageous to learn Spanish. If your business has bilingual employees, the Spanish speaking community won’t hesitate to do business with you. You will be able to service their needs without making them feel out of place or unwanted. It will help you immensely if you have several employees who learn Spanish. Running a grocery store or a department store is […]

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Where Will Spanish Be Useful To Me?

If you never plan to leave your home country, then learning a language may not be for you. If you genuinely have no interest in learning Spanish, then there’s no point in trying to convince you. But if you have a traveller’s spirit it is really for the best that you give language learning a go, and with Spanish being one of the world’s most widely-spoken languages, it is hard to think of a better place to start. As an aside, Spanish is a great entry point […]

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