Tag Archives: how to

Books and Other Tools to Help You Learn Spanish

If you want to learn Spanish without taking classes, you can make a lot of progress on your own. There are CD’s and audio-books to aid you. There are plenty of books you can buy to help you learn Spanish more easily, as well. A nifty book to have as you learn Spanish is 1001 Most Useful Spanish Words (Beginners’ Guide), by Seymour Resnick. This book lists words by categories such as food, time, and family. The words are also in a dictionary type listing alphabetically. The […]

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Where Will Spanish Be Useful To Me?

If you never plan to leave your home country, then learning a language may not be for you. If you genuinely have no interest in learning Spanish, then there’s no point in trying to convince you. But if you have a traveller’s spirit it is really for the best that you give language learning a go, and with Spanish being one of the world’s most widely-spoken languages, it is hard to think of a better place to start. As an aside, Spanish is a great entry point […]

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Spanish Literature, Art And Culture

One real advantage to learning a foreign language is the wealth of cultural bonuses that it delivers to the learner. It would be almost meaningless to master French, for example, without using your gift to discover the poetry of Baudelaire, the majestic writings of Albert Camus or the films of Truffaut. By learning Spanish, you will be unlocking a similarly rich treasure trove of cultural wonders. A nation with Spain’s rich and varied (and often troubled) past cannot help but provide great art. For good reason it […]

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