Tag Archives: vocabulary

Why Some People Don’t Want to Learn Spanish

Learning Spanish can be fun and interesting. It can make you comfortable in situations where you would be lost without knowing the language. Yet, not everyone has the desire to learn Spanish. These people have several reasons for their reluctance. Some people feel that they are too old to learn Spanish. They realize that children learn language faster than anyone else. This makes them hesitant to even try. They think it’s a lost cause, so why even try? Actually, people of all ages can learn Spanish. It […]

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Where To Learn Spanish

Once you decide to learn Spanish, your next step is to decide where you will study. Time and money will play a part in your decision. Before you decide, though, you should look at all the options of where to learn Spanish. The most obvious answer is: in school. However, there are all kinds of schools that teach all kinds of Spanish courses. The traditional High School Spanish course is still available for those who are enrolled as students in the schools. If you are beyond the […]

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Where To Find A Friend To Help You Learn Spanish

One of the easiest ways to learn Spanish is to find someone else who speaks Spanish. This person can be someone who is a native Spanish speaker or it can be someone who is also learning Spanish. Speaking Spanish with a friend will really increase how much fun you have as you learn Spanish, and it will also make the process much easier. Most people know that it’s a great idea to learn Spanish with a friend, but many people don’t know where to find people to […]

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How to Learn Spanish with a Tutor

Some companies hire tutors for certain employees so they can learn Spanish for business dealings. You might also hire a tutor to get personal instruction. If you’re lucky enough to be able to get a one-on-one tutor to learn Spanish with, you should be able to progress quickly. This is even truer if you know how to take full advantage of your tutor’s knowledge. When you first sit down with your tutor, before you begin to learn Spanish, ask about his/her background. Ask questions about where they […]

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How To Learn Spanish: The Greetings

In your first attempt to learn Spanish, the first thing you will be taught about is greetings. What do you know if you don’t know how to say “hello?” Learning the greetings will help you to learn Spanish in its simplest form because you don’t have to worry about too many verb agreements or word orders. The greetings are taught in simple phrases. No extra words need to be looked up or added. As I said before, as you learn Spanish the first phrase you need to […]

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How to Learn Spanish by Getting the Most Out of Classes

After you enroll in a Spanish class, you expect to learn Spanish right away. You might leave it up to the teacher to drill the words and conjugations into your head. You will get more out of it, though, if you do your part to get more out of the class. As soon as you enter the room for the first time, begin to get to know the other people. You might not think this is necessary to learn Spanish. After all, you didn’t come to socialize, […]

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Spanish For Beginners

If you haven’t learnt a foreign language before, then Spanish can appear intimidating to start off with, with those funny squiggles over the Ns and its upside-down question marks and exclamation points. But don’t let those get to you, they’re really no more complicated than much of what you’ve learnt to use in English – in fact Spanish is structured in a far more learner-friendly way than English, so an adult learner can look to build oneself a framework over which to put the various words of […]

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Why Learn Spanish?

There is a sentiment among many English speakers – frustratingly prevalent for the multi-lingual – that there’s really no reason to learn a second language because everybody else on Earth understands English anyway. Not only is this phenomenally misguided – just you try navigating from rural Spain (or Mexico) back to a safely Anglophone location without having a grasp of the native language of the country you’re in – it’s also horribly narrow-minded. How offended would you be if a non-English speaker turned up and started rabbiting […]

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